Drudkh and Shining arrived, most recent distro list


Most recent distro list (last update March 2016), often enough only single copies left, so... stronghold.diaphora [at] googlemail.com


  • 8 Acts of Origin Split LP (2009), with Akitsa, Pagan Hellfire, Woods of Infinity, Nasheim etc, 11,90€
  • ABIGOR : Fractal Possession DoLP/2-LP (2007), EAL, 18,00€
  • ACHERONTAS : Tat Tvam Asi 2-LP (2013), WTC-Veröffentlichung in sehr guter Qualität, 18,90€
  • ACHERONTAS : Amenti 2-LP (2013), WTC-Veröffentlichung in sehr guter Qualität, 18,90€
  • AGALLOCH : From Which of this Oak Picture-LP (2009), das Demo auf Vinyl, Eisenwald, 24,90€
  • AGALLOCH : The Mantle 2-LP (2011), re-release auf Grau, lim. 500, “Erstauflage” in schwarzem Vinyl, 22,00€
  • AGALLOCH : Ashes Against the Grain 2-LP (2011), re-release auf Grau, lim. 500, “Erstauflage” in schwarzem Vinyl, 22,00€
  • AIGRO MUCIFELAM : Lost Sounds Depraved LP (2007), Insidious Poisoning, 11,90€
  • AKTISA / PRURIENT : Split-LP (2006), Debemur Morti, 12,90€
  • ALCEST : Les Voyages De L'Ame LP (2012), goldenes Vinyl, die fünfte Auflage nun endlich mit annehmbarem Cover und einer abgestimmten Vinylfarbe, die Logik muss man verstehen (oder auch nicht), 19,90€
  • ALCEST : Le Secret LP (2011), blau oder schwarz (blue or black vinyl), je 500 Kopien, 17,90€
  • ALLFATHER : Weapon of Ascension LP (2005), Invictus, lim500, bester War Metal, 14,50€
  • AMON : Shemhamforash LP (2010), Funeral Industries, 13,50€
  • AMON : The Shining Trapezohedron LP (2010), Second Coming Records, limitierte Scheibe, farbiges Vinyl, 12,50€
  • ANCESTORS BLOOD : A Moment of Clarity LP (2014), Heidens Hart, lim. 300, 12,90€
  • ANCESTORS BLOOD : Return of the Ancient Ones LP (2013), Purity Through Fire, lim. 300, 12,90€
  • ANCIENT RECORDS : Demo Compilation part.I LP (2013), unreleased stuff of Sir N (Acerbitas, Grav, Grifteskymfning, Helgedom, Svartrit, Vanskapt, Dödfödd, Kaos Sacramentum), last copy, 25,00€
  • ANGANTYR/NASHEIM : Split LP (2008), Northern Silence, leider sehr einfache Aufmachung für diese großartige Split, 14,90€
  • ANTAEUS : De Principii Evangelikum LP (2010), Splatter Vinyl, Wiederveröffentlichung auf Osmose Productions, limitiert auf 200, small defect on upper side, no seamsplit though, 22,90€
  • ANTIPHRASIS/TOTENBURG: Split LP (2010), lim.150 in schwarz, die gesuchte Split-CD nun endlich auf schwarzer Plaste, 15,50€
  • ANXPM / SYMPHONIA SACROSANCTA PHASMATUM : split 12" MLP (2013), Barghest, good stuff!, members of Reverorum ib Malacht, ex-Dödfödd, ex-Emit, ex-Ofermod etc., last fucking copy, 16,66€
  • APATI : Eufori 2-LP (2009), schwarzes Vinyl/black vinyl, Art of Propaganda/Obscure Abhorrence, 17,90€
  • APATI : Morgondagen inställd I brist pa intresse LP (2013), Art of Propaganda, 2nd album, rather depressive rock than being Black Metal this album often reminds me to clean passages of Alcest and the like, so, you may even find some „hapiness“ in here. Sounds strange? It is – and I think it is intended. 12,90€
  • ARCKANUM : Fenris Kindir LP (2013), limited yellow vinyl, Season of Mist, 19,90€
  • ARCTURUS : Aspera Hiems Symfonia LP (2012) Black | Green/Black | Blue/White, hochqualitative Wiederveröffentlichung via Kyrck, kommt mit Plakat und kleinem Booklet (partieller Silberdruck auf rauhem,schwarzen Karton), sehr wertig gemacht, 20€ die schwarze LP (black vinyl), 22€ die farbigen (coloured vinyls)
  • ARCTURUS : Aspera Hiems Symfonia LP im Lederbuch (2012), schwarzes Kunstleder und Silberdruck, sieht sehr edel aus, kommt mit dem Poster und Booklet, kleine Stauchung an einer Ecke, 37€ (leatherbook edition)
  • ARCTURUS : Constellation LP (2012) Black | Purple/Black | Yellow/Black, ebenfalls sehr schöne Wiederveröffentlichung auf Kyrck, kommt mit Plakat und kleinem Booklet, 20€ die schwarze LP (black vinyl), 22€ die farbigen LPs (coloured LPs)
  • ARCTURUS : Constellation LP im Lederbuch (2012), rotes Kunstleder und schwarzer Prägedruck, Poster und Booklet, schwarzes Vinyl, kleine Stauchung an einer Ecke, 37€ (leatherbook edition)
  • ARES KINGDOM : Return to Dust Regular LP, NWN, 15€
  • ARES KINGDOM : Incendiary Die Hard Picture LP with back patch, NWN, 22€
  • ARMAGEDDA : The Final War Approaching LP (2010), Nachpressung dieses lang ausverkauften Juwels, welches in 500 Stückern ursprünglich via Sombre erschien, auch nur 500 Einheiten diesmal, 13,50€
  • ARMAGEDDA : Völkermord LP (2010), Veröffentlichung auf Eisenwald, verdammt großartig aussehendes Cover mit geprägtem Schriftzug auf strukturiertem Karton, sehr geile Sache, die den Preis angemessen erscheinen lässt, 15,90€
  • ARSTIDIR LIFSINS / HELRUNAR : Fragments. A Mythological Excavation 12" LP (2013), black or grey vinyl, Ván/Prophecy, limited to 500 copies each colour, 19,90€
  • ASCENSION : Consolamentum LP (2010), das Debut nun als dritte Scheibe aus dem Hause WTC, wie die Fire and Faith wieder einmal erstklassig aufgemacht, 16,50€
  • ASCENSION : Fire And Faith 12” EP (2010), als Verkürzung der Wartezeit auf das reguläre Debut, hübsch aufgemacht, WTC, 11,90€
  • ASCENSION : With Burning Tongues LP (2010), unverzüglich nach Erscheinen als Demo nun auch auf CD und LP, schweres Vinyl, UV-Spot-Artwork, so lob´ ich mir das, leider leimt das Cover auf, WTC, 14,50€
  • AUSTERE : To Lay Like Old Ashes LP (2012), Eisenwald, limitierte (Neu-)Auflage, schwarzes Vinyl, schwarz/weißes Cover, last copy, 24,90€
  • AUSTERE / ISOLATION : Bleak 2-LP/DLP (2010), Split-Veröffentlichung von Eisenwald/Eternity Records, limitiert auf 500 Exemplare insgesamt, schwarzes und goldenes Vinyl, kommt in 3-fachem Gatefold-Cover, 19,90€
  • AUTARCIE / BAISE MA HACHE : Ultra-Rural 2-LP (2015), Purity Through Fire, limited to 300 copies only, rough French Black Metal, 18.00€
  • AZAGHAL : Perkeleen Luoma/Kyy 2-LP/Do-LP (2005), Azaghal´s bestes Material bisher, great stuff, Hammer of Hate; 18€
  • AZAGHAL/BLACK DEATH RITUAL : Split-LP (2004), ebenfalls astreines Material der Finnen von Azaghal, auch BDR wissen zu überzeugen, 13€
  • BAPTISM : As The Darkness Enters LP (2013), Northern Heritage, sehr gutes Album geworden, really great album, for me it's easily their best offer, 15€
  • BEATRIK : Requiem of December Gatefold LP (2005), geile Scheibe, gute Aufmachung, handnummeriert und limitiert auf 500 Einheiten, Eternity Records, 12,50€
  • BEHERIT : At the Devil´s Studio LP (2011), meant to be the first regular full length release instead of The Oath of Black Blood, which has been a collection of songs rather than a real album, 16,90€
  • BEHERIT : Engram LP (2009) in klarem oder roten Vinyl, jeweils wohl limitiert auf 500 Scheiben, 19,90€
  • BEKËTH NEXËHMÜ : Dauthuz LP (2016), the demo re-recorded, on Ancient Records' side label Mysticism Productions, 17,00€ (BEKETH NEXEHMU : Dauthuz LP)
  • BEKËTH NEXËHMÜ : De Dunkla Herrarna LP (2016), re-press of this highly sought after first BEKËTH NEXËHMÜ release, this time in regular cover instead of the simple sheets, comes with additional cover but without the lyric sheets prior enclosed, 17,00€ (BEKETH NEXEHMU : De Dunkla Herrarna LP)
  • BELPHEGOR : The Last Supper LP und Picture-LP (2010), endlich auch auf Vinyl verfügbar, kommt in großartiger Aufmachung mit Gatefold-Cover und zusätzlichem Poster, 15,50€ die schwarze LP, 16,50€ die Picture-LP
  • BESATT : Triumph of the Antichrist Gatefold LP (2007), Undercover, coloured and black vinyl available, 12,90€
  • BESTIAL SUMMONING : The Dark War Has Begun LP (2012), Heidens Hart/Supremacy Through Intolerance/New Era, 12,90€
  • BLACK WITCHERY : Inferno Of Sacred Destruction LP (2010), Blood Red Vinyl | Black, Osmose Productions, mit 20-seitigem Booklet, schwarz/black: 15,50€, rot/red: 17,00€
  • BLACKDEATH : Vortex LP (2009), Northern Heritage, limitiert auf 250 Stück, letzte, 18€
  • BLASPHEMOPHAGHER : The III Command of the Absolute Chaos LP+Booklet (2011), NWN, this title says it all, kicks your ass and eradicates the last fucking smile out of christ's/jew's/any other religious mongo's ugly face, definitively, great quality vinyl release which comes with hotfoil imprints on the cover and full colour, oversized booklet, damn worth your bucks, 15€
  • BLOODHAMMER : Post-Apocalypse Trilogy 2-LP (2008), Primitive Reaction, 17,90€
  • BLOODHAMMER / RIDE FOR REVENGE : Split LP (2010), Primitive Reaction/KVLT, RfR mit Goatmoon-Mitgliedern, 20 Tracks werden hier runtergeschrammelt, 15,90€
  • BLOODLINE : Hate Procession LP (2013), Blut & Eisen, 15€
  • BLOODLINE : Werewolf Training LP (2013), Blut & Eisen, 15€
  • BOLT THROWER : Honour, Valour, Pride 2-LP (2011), transparent-grün-marmoriertes Vinyl (transparent green) verfügbar, sieht echt oberamtlich aus, 25,00€
  • BURZUM : Aske/First 2-LP, Back on Black-Erstauflage (2005), lange nicht mehr zu bekommen, 20€
  • BURZUM : Det Som Engang Var LP, Back on Black-Erstauflage (2005), lange nicht mehr zu bekommen, 16,90€
  • BURZUM : Fallen LP (2011), ran an das Teil, schwarzes Vinyl 16,90€, transparentes Vinyl 18,90€
  • CAINAN DAWN : Thavmial 2-LP (2014), Osmose, limited edition of 250 copies, 18,90€
  • CAPITIS DAMNARE : Ex Regnum Spiritus In Manifestus LP (2010), sehr anständiges Material, sollte unbedingt angetestet werden, 218 Kopien gibt´s hier nur von, 14,90€
  • CARACH ANGREN : Death Came Through A Phantom Ship 2-LP (2013), limited to 250 copies on blue vinyl in gatefold cover, Season of Mist, 22,90€
  • CARACH ANGREN : Lammendam 2-LP (2013), limited to 250 copies on brown vinyl in gatefold cover, Season of Mist, 22,90€
  • CARACH ANGREN : Where the Corpses Sink Forever LP (2012), inklusive Download-Card, limitiert auf 500 Scheibletten, Season of Mist, 24,90€
  • CARONTE : Church Of Shamanic Goetia 2-LP (2015), Ván, value for money - as always! Attention: Due to our famous soccer postmen there are more or less small bumps at the corners possible, but nothing drastic at all, 22,90€
  • CARONTE : Ascension 2-LP (2015), Ván, value for money - as always! Attention: Due to our famous soccer postmen there are more or less small bumps at the corners possible, but nothing drastic at all, white vinyl, 22,90€
  • CELESTIA : Archaenae Perfectii LP (2010), schwarzes Vinyl oder Splatter, wieder eine gute Veröffentlichung, 14,50€
  • CELESTIA : Dead Insecta Sequestration LP (2008), highest quality release done by Drakkar, printed innersleeve, hot foil gold print on cover, additional poster, 14,50€
  • CELESTIA : Frigidiis ApotheosiA : AbstinenciA GenesiiS GATEFOLD 2-LP (2008), Drakkar Productions, 18,00€, Brett!
  • CLANDESTINE BLAZE : Falling Monuments LP (2010), Northern Heritage, last fucking original copy - no re-press, 24,90€
  • CLANDESTINE BLAZE: Fire Burns in Our Hearts LP (2016), Northern Heritage, adjusted artwork and sound. Includes double sided insert with lyrics. 18,00€
  • CLANDESTINE BLAZE: Fist of the Northern Destroyer LP (2016), Northern Heritage, adjusted artwork and sound. Includes double sided insert with lyrics. 18,00€
  • CLANDESTINE BLAZE : Harmony Of Struggle LP (2013), Northern Heritage, this album kills, gets heavy rotation here, highly recommended!, last fucking original copy - no re-press, 24,90€
  • CLANDESTINE BLAZE: Night of the Unholy Flames LP (2016), Northern Heritage, adjusted artwork and sound. Includes double sided insert with lyrics. 18,00€
  • CORPUS CHRISTII : Rising DoLP / 2-LP (2007) im Gatefold-Cover, auf OAP, klasse Album, gute Aufmachung, 17,90€
  • CORPUS CHRISTII : The Torment Continues LP (2005), Undercover, white vinyl, 12,90€
  • CULTUS / MESLAMTAEA : Split LP (2008), Heidens Hart, 10,90€
  • DARK FUNERAL : Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus LP / Picture-LP (2009), Hammeralbum, Punkt! Versionen sind auf je 500 limitiert, Regain Records, 16,90€
  • DARKSPACE : I Double-LP (2015), 19,90€
  • DARVULIA :  L'Alliance des Venins LP (2014), Battlesk'rs Productions, damn fucking MUST imho, strange, morbid underground Black Metal of a rare kind, mandatory, 14,90€
  • DEATHRONATION : Hallow The Dead LP (2014), Ván, 16,90€
  • DEATHSPELL OMEGA / SVEST Split-LP (2008), NoEvDia, Erstauflage/first press, 16,90€
  • DEMONCY : Joined in Darkness 2-LP (2011), rough USBM, great album, NWN release, 18,90€
  • DESOLATION TRIUMPHALIS : Forever Bound to Nothingness LP (2008), Wotanstahl, richtig gutes Album, welches es endlich mal auf Vinyl geschafft hat, 14,90€
  • DEVILRY : Rites for the Spring of Supremacy Gatefold-LP (2007), sehr guter militanter Death Metal (recommended, in your face-Death Metal), Breath of Pestilence, 11,90€
  • DIABOLI : Kirous LP (2008), Northern Heritage, 14,50€
  • DIABOLI : The Antichrist LP (2008), Northern Heritage, 14,50€
  • DIES ATER : Odium's Spring LP (2008), lim500, Galgenstrang, 10,90€
  • DIOCLETIAN : Gesundrian Gatefold LP (2014), Osmose Productions, you know what to expect – once again a strong fist directly into your face, nice looking gatefold cover with partial UV spot lacquerings, 14,90€
  • DISMA : Towards the Megalith Picture-LP (2013), Doomentia Records, limited to 500 copies, Doom/Death, brachialstuff that will shred you into pieces, great quality vinyl release including poster and sticker, circular die cut cover, 17,90€
  • DISMA : Towards the Megalith LP (2013), Doomentia, finally black vinyl available for all the sound maniacs amongst us, best sound quality, for review part check the Picture-LP-version, nearly no info about this edition, maybe limited to 500 copies or even less, 17,90€
  • DODSENGEL : Mirium Occultum gatefold 2-LP (2014), Ván/Terratur, with good reason one of the few re-releases we stock at all, few copies in, 23,90€
  • DROWNING THE LIGHT : The Blood of the Ancients LP (2009), Obscure Abhorrence, lim.666, good quality release, 12,90€
  • DRUDKH : A Furrow Cut Short 2-LP (2015), black or red vinyl, 20 and 22€
  • DRUDKH : Estrangement LP (2008), letzte Kopien der Originalpressung auf Northern Heritage; 22,50€
  • DRUDKH : Eternal Turn of the Wheel LP (2012), Season of Mist, inklusive Download-Card, 22,50€
  • ELITE : Bifrost LP (2006), No Colours, lim500, 12,50€
  • ELJUDNER : Daudingekvider LP (2006), Northern Silence, lim. release, Qualität siehe Angantyr/Nasheim, 11,90€
  • ELYSIAN BLAZE : Levitating the Carnal 2-LP (2008), Insidious Poisoning, 18€
  • EMBRACE OF THORNS : Praying For Absolution 2-LP (2012), killer Death/Black Metal output, high quality release in gatefold cover, done by NWN, a nice add to your collection! 20€
  • EMPEROR : Emperor/Wrath of the Tyrant 2-LP (2008), noch ein paar Kopien der B.o.B.-Wiederveröffentlichung ausgegraben, Kult-Stoff, 19,90€
  • ENSHADOWED : Magic Chaos Psychedelia LP (2014), the latest album on vinyl, strong successor to the first vinyl, 12,90€
  • ENSHADOWED : Messengers of the Darkest Dawn DoLP / 2-LP (2007), enthält das Vollalbum, kommt zusätzlich mit Bonustracks und drei Demos aus der frühen Bandhistorie, schweres Vinyl, lim350, 16,50€
  • ENSLAVED : Below The Lights, white splatter LP (2013), re-release on Osmose, great quality, comes with huge poster, limited to 200, far away from the atmosphere of their early releases, but worth a listem from time to time, 16,90€
  • ENSLAVED : Mardraum 2-LP (2013), re-release on Osmose in great quality, printed thick innersleeves, heavy vinyl, superb, 18,00€
  • EREBUS ENTHRONED : Temple Under Hell LP (2014), WTC, quote label: „Powerful and unyielding, this work of black metal delivers seven hymns revolving around sacrifice, transformation, and illumination (...)“, gatefold cover, heavy vinyl, booklet, poster, 16,90€
  • ESCHATON : Causa Fortior LP  (2009), Raging Bloodlust, 12,90€
  • ESOTERICA : Aseity LP (2014), Duplicate, killer album, 14,90€
  • EVIL : Ashes LP, 14,90€
  • EXORDIUM : In Wrath Principle LP (2009), Northern Heritage, 14,90€
  • FAUSTCOVEN : Hellfire and Funeral Bells Regular LP (2012), NWN, 15€
  • FEN : The Malediction Fields 2-LP (2013), Eisenwald, Atmospheric Black Metal, the debut album on vinyl now, black or copper vinyl available, given away randomly chosen,  last one or two copies, 19,90€
  • FIDES INVERSA : Hanc Aciem Sola Retundit Virtus - The Algolagnia Divine LP (2009), Osmose Productions, heavy vinyl, 14€
  • FORGOTTEN DARKNESS : Nekrolog LP (2009), AoP/EE Gemeinschaftsveröffentlichung, kommt im Gatefold-Cover, 12,90€, 15,50€ für die farbige Variante (100 Stücker gibt´s hiervon)
  • THE TRUE FROST : In Eternal Strife LP (2008), WTC, 12,90€
  • FROSTKRIEG : Majestätik eines kalten Elements Gatefold-LP (2008), sehr gute Veröffentlichung, kommt im Gatefold-Cover mit bedruckter Innenhülle. Absolute Empfehlung! 12,90€
  • FUNERAL : S/T Colour LP (2011), Aphelion Productions, Funeral Doom, first impressions are really good, limited to 100 red/black swirl vinyl, 15,90€
  • GEHENNA : Malice 3-LP Set (2011), auf dem amerikanischen Label The Crypt, 3-fach Gatefold cover, 3 x 180g rot-orangen geflammtes Vinyl, limitiert auf 300 Kopien, 12 Bonustitel, Poster, 45,00€
  • GLORIOR BELLI : Meet Us at the Southern Sign LP (2010), endlich auf edlem Vinyl, B&E-Veröffentlichung, 14,90€
  • GLOSON : Yearwalker LP (2015), comes in great looking gatefold cover, Art of Propaganda and Catatonic State, 15€
  • GOATMOON / DEAD REPTILE SHRINE : Split LP (2010), lim. auf 500 Kopien im grünen Vinyl, Achtung: der wirkliche BM-Anteil hält sich auf der Scheibe deutlichst in Grenzen, 19,90€
  • GODKILLER : The Rebirth of the Middle Ages LP (2013), great quality vinyl edition by Art of Propaganda, single sided LP on heavy vinyl with silk-screened side B, regularly licensed, so no fucking bootleg crap, 19,90€
  • GONTYNA KRY : Welowie LP (2012), Hellfire, small bumps at corners possible due to transit, 15€
  • GORATH : Misotheism LP+EP (2008), Eisenwald Tonschmiede, ein erstklassiges Album haben wir hier – wie eigentlich immer bei Gorath, klare Empfehlung, Limit bei 300 Stück, 16,90€
  • GORRCH : Nera Estasi LP (2016), Duplicate, the killer album on vinyl finally, 14,90€
  • GRAUPEL : Am Pranger … LP sowie als LP + CD (2010), solides Material und gleichzeitig deutliche Weiterentwicklung, LP 15,00€, LP+CD  Set in geprägtem Karton mit separatem Booklet 29,50€
  • GRIFT : Fyra Elegier MLP (2013), Blut & Eisen, gute MLP, 11€
  • GRUDOM : Fjölkyngi 12"LP (2014), Mysticism Productions (sub-label of Ancient Records [Hädanfärd, Grifteskymfning,Svartrit, Kaos Sacramentum etc.]), strange Black Metal which maybe fits your taste, 18,00€
  • HÄDANFÄRD : Avoghetens Besvartande Akallelser 12"LP (2014), as a Hädanfärd believer I think this one doesn't suck, period. 22,00€
  • HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY : Aokigahara 2-LP (2014), once again a collaboration between Art of Propaganda & Diaphora Produktion, once again a great quality vinyl release, additional poster, 18€ black vinyl
  • HATE FOREST : Dead but Dreaming LP (2010), Primitive Reaction, neues Hate Forest Material, letzte Kopie, 14,90€
  • HEIMDALLS WACHT : Ekte Westfäölske Svatte Metal 2-LP (2012), Heidens Hart/Amor Fati, 18€
  • HELDENTOD : Vidarrat LP, 14,90€
  • HEKEL : De Dodenvaart Gatefold-LP (2006), Aphelion Productions, 10,90€
  • HOLY HELL : Kill Jesus LP (2011) Bizarre & heavy death/doom metal, nowadays known as UNHOLY. Pure cult!, 15,00€
  • HORNA : Askel Lähempänä Saatanaa LP (2013), WTC, 15,00€
  • HORNED ALMIGHTY : Necro Spirituals LP (2013), Art of Propaganda/Diaphora Produktion, schweres Vinyl, bedruckte Innenhülle, 14,00€
  • HORNED ALMIGHTY : The Devils Music Gatefold-LP (2006), konsequente Fortsetzung des typischen Arschtritt-Stils, nur geil, 12,90€
  • HORNED SERPENT / PREVALENT RESISTANCE Split-LP (2006), Obscure Abhorrence, Gatefold Cover, 12,50€
  • HYPOTHERMIA / REGNUM / TRIST / GRIMNIR : Split-LP (2008), Raging Bloodlust, 12,90€
  • IC-REX : Sielun Kadotuksen Sinfonia 2-LP (2008), Hammer of Hate/Ahdistuksen Aihio, comes with the Lunar Procession demo, well done stuff, 17,90€
  • IGNIVOMOUS : Contragenesis LP (2012), high caliber old school Death Metal, NWN quality!, limited copies in, 16,50€
  • IGNIVOMOUS : Death Transmutation LP (2009), high caliber old school Death Metal, NWN quality!, sold out there, limited copies in, 16,50€
  • ILDRA : Eðelland LP (2014), Heidens Hart, 12,90€
  • IMMORTAL : Battles in the North LP (2011), weißes Vinyl (lim.300), Osmose, 22,50€
  • IMPALED NAZARENE : Latex Cult LP (2013), Osmose re-release in great quality and remastered sound (maybe the new artwork sucks a bit), comes in gatefold cover, 14,90€
  • IMPALED NAZARENE : Road to the Octagon LP (2010), transparent: 19,90€, orange: 16,90€ oder schwarz: 14,90€
  • IMPALED NAZARENE : Vigorous and Liberating Death Gatefold LP (2014), Osmose Productions, buying an ImpNaz album means expecting to get an ImpNaz album, and that's exactly what you get here, 14,90€
  • IMPETIGO : Ultimo Mondo Cannibale / Faceless Gatefold DOUBLE LP (2006), US import, rare & ultimate vinyl edition, 29,90€
  • IMPIOUS HAVOC : Maleficium LP (2007), Aphelion Productions, 12,90€
  • INFERNO/TUNDRA : Split LP (2008), Obscure Abhorrence, lim500, 13,50€
  • INFINITY : Nostalgia for the Dark Age LP (2006), OAP, lim222, Einzelstück, 18,00€ ? auf Anfrage/on request only
  • INFINITY : Enter thy Labyrinth of Hell LP (2006), Obscure Abhorrence, lim.500, schönes Cover, sauberes Album, 12,50€
  • INSANE VESPER : Abomination of Death LP (2013), Art of Propaganda, killer album and a f***in' MUST, directly in your face, contains additional insert and poster, glossy laminated cover, 12,90€
  • INTERMENT / BRUTALLY DECEASED : Glory Days, Festering Years LP (2012), Doomentia Records, 13,90€
  • JOTUNHEIM : s/t LP (2007), Raging Bloodlust, 12,00€
  • KADOTUS : Vaienneet temppelit LP (2013), WTC, 15,00€
  • KÄLTETOD : Reue LP (2010), holy Eternity Records, 15,00€
  • KÄLTETOD : Talpfade LP (2010), holy Eternity Records, 15,00€
  • KAMPFAR : Kvass LP (2006), lim800, letzte Kopie der Original-Pressung, 22,50€
  • KARGVINT : Seelenwerk´s Fortgang LP (2010), Eternity Records/Blut & Eisen, limitiert auf 400 Kopien im schwarzen Vinyl, 14,50€
  • KARNARIUM : s/t LP (2009), satanic old school Death Metal, Blood Harvest Records, 17,90€
  • KATATONIA Tribute December Songs 2-LP (2006), drauf u.a. Beatrik, Xasthur, Wyrd, Geïst/Eis, Dark Fortress, Loss, Forgotten Tomb, Hel, Farsot, October Falls etc., 16,00€
  • KATHARSIS : Fourth Reich LP (2009), Erstauflage, feiner Stoff ist das hier, NOEVDIA, 18,90€
  • KERMANIA : Kehre Heim 2-LP (2014), Ván, great vinyl release! Value for money - as always! Attention: Due to our famous soccer postmen there are more or less small bumps at the corners possible, but nothing drastic at all, 21,90€
  • KILL : Inverted Funeral LP (2007), Obscure Abhorrence, sehr geiles Album, deutlich besser als Horned Holocaust, 12,50€
  • KLAGE : Die Weihe des Eises - eine Großweise LP (2008), Eternity, 14,50€
  • KOLDBRANN : Moribund Do-LP (2006), lim. 666 Stück, 19,50€
  • KOMMANDANT : Kontakt + Iron Hands on Scandinavia LP (2015), Purity Through Fire, limited edition, 14.90€
  • KOMMANDANT : The Architects of Extermination LP (2016), Art of Propaganda, 13,90€
  • KRATER : Das Relikt des Triumphes 2-LP (2009), highest quality release, 14,90€
  • KRATER : Nocebo LP (2012), starkes Folgealbum ohne Gefrickel, 12,90€
  • KRODA : Towards the Firmaments Verge of Life 2-LP (2009), beautiful work of their good album from 2005, limited copies, comes with poster and lyrics on cover, Neue Ästhetik, 17,00€
  • KRODA : Cry To Me River LP (2006), the album from '04 on vinyl, includes bonus track, printed innersleeve, Neue Ästhetik, 14,90€
  • KRODA Schwarzpfad DLP, 18,90€
  • LATHSPELL : Versus Ecclesia LP (2006), Excesor Christianorum, lim.500, 11,90€
  • LATITUDE EGRESS : To Take Up the Cross LP (2014), Art of Propaganda, great album in an overall strong presentation, limited to just 300 copies with poster and inlay, 13,90€
  • LES DISCRETS : Ariettes Oubliées ... Gatefold-LP (2012), spezielles Vinylmastering, Erst- und Zweitauflage in schwarzem bzw. weißen Vinyl erhältlich, 19,90€
  • LEVIATHAN : Blind Wound LP (2007), Southern Lord, Pflichtprogramm, geht auf 33 Umdrehungen genauso gut wie auf 45, 16,50€
  • LOITS : Ei Kahetse Midagi LP (2007), killer LP, great stuff, 10,90€
  • LOITS : Must Album LP (2009), finally on vinyl – Flak´n´Roll at its best, high quality edition!, Eisenwald, 12,90€
  • LUGUBRUM : Albino de Congo LP (2014), Aphelion Productions, together with Face Lion the absolute favourite, masterpiece, just excellent, make it yours!, reduced price as covers got a corner bumped, 11,50€
  • LUGUBRUM : De Totem 2-LP (2013), Aphelion Productions, another cool album (don't expect anything neat and pretty here, haharrrr) by this long-serving entity from Belgium, great quality gatefold cover, 18,00€
  • LUGUBRUM : Face Lion, Face Oignon LP (2011), rules supreme, recommended a lot, Aphelion Prod., with Poster, 13,90€
  • LUROR : Cease to live LP oder Pic LP (2009), WTC, das aktuelle Album. 15€
  • LYRINX : Ending the Circle of Life LP (2009), Insidious Poisoning, 12,90€
  • LYRINX : Nihilistic Purity LP (2008), Insidious Poisoning, 12,90€
  • MACABRE OMEN : Gods Of War - Gods At War (2015), Ván, value for money - as always! Attention: Due to our famous soccer postmen there are more or less small bumps at the corners possible, furthermore slight imprints from the vinyls on the cover, but nothing drastic at all, 21,90€
  • MARDUK : Wormwood Pic-LP (2010), kommt auf Regain, limitiert auf 500 Stück, 19,90€
  • MATRICIDE : Holy Virgin LP (2007), auf Obscure Abhorrence Prod., 10,90€
  • MEADS OF ASPHODEL : Welcome to Planet Genocide LP (2014), Purity Through Fire/Neue Ästhetik, 200 copies, 14.90€
  • MERCILESS : The Treasures Within LP (2011), Floga Records, comes in gatefold cover, maybe not their best album, but still no bummer, vinyl version has bonus tracks, 13,90€
  • MERRIMACK : Grey Rigorism 2-LP (2009), heavy quality, Osmose Productions, 18€
  • MERRIMACK : Of Entropy and Life Denial LP (2006), Brett!, Moribund, Splatter-Vinyl und Poster, 18,50€
  • MGLA : Mdlosci + Further Down The Nest LP  (2013) first edition of the re-presses on Northern Heritage, the first EPs of this killer band united on this “LP”, killer stuff you won't be disappointed with, original cover artworks shown, lyric sheet included, 19,90€
  • MGLA : Presence LP (2013), including Crushing The Holy Trinity material on b-side, first edition of the re-presses on Northern Heritage, 19,90€
  • MISERYCORE / UNHOLY FORCE : Unleashing Hell's Wrath Split LP (2010), Black Thrash, Chalice of Blood Angel, 250 Kopien, 15,90€
  • MOLOCH / KRIEG : Split-LP (2014), Aphelion Productions, great split between the hordes, quite surprisingly Moloch is really strong and surpasses Krieg imho, reduced price because corner bumped in shipping process, 11,50€
  • MOLOCH / WYQM : Split-LP (2011), gold/schwarz Farbsplit, Death Agonie and Screams, US-Import, lim. 100, 18,00€
  • MONARQUE : Ad Nauseam Picture-LP (2011), Profane Wax, limitiert auf 250 Kopien, 15,90€
  • MORBOSIDAD / PERVERSOR : Split-LP (2010), quality NWN release, 15,90€
  • MORD : Imperium Magnum Infernalis LP (2007), Debemur Morti, 10,90€
  • MORDAEHOTH : Eens Weer Prevaleert Het Heidens Hart LP (2010), hochwertige LP-Veröffentlichung, kommt mit separatem Booklet, Heidens Hart, 12,90€
  • MORRIGAN : The Damned Gatefold LP (2007), Undercover, 12,90€
  • MORTIFERA : Maledictiih LP (2010), limitiert auf 300 Kopien, Drakkar-Veröffentlichung, gute Scheibe, 15,90€
  • MORTUARY DRAPE : Secret Sudaria 2-LP (2009), Hammer Vinyl-Veröffentlichung, gravierte D-Seite, UV-Spot-Lackierung (ganz ähnlich der Krater 2-LP), richtig gut gemacht, 18,00€
  • MOURNING DAWN : Mourning Dawn 2-LP (2007), Doom, auf farbigem Vinyl (limitiert auf 100 Einheiten), Art of Propaganda/Obscure Abhorrence, 19,90€
  • MURW : Kanker LP (2012), Heidens Hart, very interesting and unique stuff!, 12,90€
  • MUSTA SURMA / BLOODHAMMER / ANNIHILATUS : Christian Holocaust LP (2013), Northern Heritage, 15€
  • MÜTIILATION : Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn) LP (2012), Drakkar re-press, 18€
  • MÜTIILATION : Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul LP (2012), Drakkar re-press, 18€
  • MÜTIILATION : Vampires of Black Imperial Blood 2-LP (2012), Drakkar re-press, 23,00€
  • MYRKWID : Part 3 LP (2013), Eternity Records, limited to only 300 copies, great album!, 15€
  • NACHTMYSTIUM : Instinct:Decay LP (2006), Profound Lore first press, coloured vinyl (choose between green and clear vinyl), Einzelstück(e), 25€
  • NEFANDUS : Death Holy Death LP (2010), das neue Album via WTC auf edles Vinyl gebracht, 14,90€
  • NEHEMAH : Tomb of Thoughts 6 LP Box (2012), Those Opposed Records, schwarzes Vinyl, 80€
  • NEKROKRIST SS : Der Todesking LP (2013), latest output, Finnish Elite Black Metal, Primitive Reaction, 12,90€
  • NEKROKRIST SS : Suicide LP (2007), Finnish Elite Black Metal, Primitive Reaction, vinyl edition has 2 bonus tracks, 12,90€
  • NEKROKRIST SS / NATTFOG: Split LP (2011), Primitive Reaction, 500 copies, vinyl only release, 12,90€
  • NIGHTBRINGER / DØDSENGEL : Circumambulations of the Solar Inferno LP (2013), Daemon Worship Productions, two contributions by each band, didn't hear it myself until now, but most of you will buy this whether this is crap or not, so..., 16,90€
  • NIHIL NOCTURNE : Entheogen Gatefold-LP (2008), auf EAL, 15,50€
  • NOCTURNAL DEPRESSION / MYRD / VSPOLOKH : Longing for Death Split LP, 14,90€
  • NOKTURNAL MORTUM : Kolovorot 3-LP (2013), Osmose Productions, live album of the masters, 28€
  • NOMINON : Terra Necrosis LP (2007), great old school and satanic Death Metal, Blood Harvest Records, 12,90€
  • NYKTALGIA : Peisithanatos LP (2009), killer vinyl edition, absolutely amazing, if you are into highest quality releases you will like this, last copies in stock, 19,90€
  • O.B.E.Y. : Romance Of Misanthropy LP (2012), Demonhood, 14,90€
  • OCTOBER FALLS : The Streams of the End LP (2007), Debemur Morti, 12,90€
  • ÖDE : Schimmenwoud LP (2011), Gemeinschaftsveröffentlichung Heidens Hart/Amor Fati, bedruckte Innenhülle, 12,90€
  • ONDSKAPT : Arisen from the Ashes LP (2010), auf orangenem Vinyl (lim. 100), Osmose Productions, 22,50€
  • ONE AND ALL, TOGETHER FOR HOME  3-LP (2014), Ván Records, feat. Primordial, Drudkh, Kampfar, Häive etc., KILLER PACKAGE, 3 panel gatefold cover, in rough cartonstock outer cover with golden stamped letters, music is folk mainly, so it shouldn't be your first choice if looking for the proper metal dose mainly. 36,00€
  • ORCRIST : Fallen LP (2011), Aphelion Productions, comes with poster, limited to 500, limited copies in, 13,90€
  • OREMUS : Popioły (gatefold LP with 8 pages booklet), 14,90€
  • ORLOG : Reinigende Feuer LP (2012), No average shit here. High quality Black Metal, melodic and at the same time fast, grim and cold, so in sum a very majestic album comparable to the great bands from the North (Setherial, Dark Funeral etc.). Listen to this for a few seconds and you will be aware immediately that this is a GREAT album – well, maybe except you think that only totally screwed and sissified combinations of different music styles make what an awesome album for you (yeah, call it progressive, post-xyz or whatever bullshit). Finally on decent quality white vinyl, limited edition, 12,90€
  • OSCULUM INFAME : Consuming the Metatron LP (2013), Battlesk'rs Productions, mini-album in gatefold cover, due to poor packing and proper treatment by French soccer postmen this one got bumps on cover corners, so reduced price here, 11,90€
  • OSCULUM INFAME : Manifesto from the Dark Age 2-LP (2011), W.T.C., Hammeraufmachung, bedruckte Innenhüllen, schweres Vinyl, 18,90€
  • PAGAN HELLFIRE : A Voice From Centuries Away LP (2008), Obscure Abhorrence, lim300, 13,50€
  • PAGAN HELLFIRE : In Desolation, in Ruins LP (2008), Obscure Abhorrence, lim300, 13,50€
  • PANZERFAUST / HELLVETIC FROST Split LP (2007), lim299, 16,90€
  • PARIA : 11 Years 2-LP/Do-LP (2007), Blutvergießen, 18€
  • PAZUZU : Awaken the Dragon LP (2010), braunes Vinyl, Second Coming Records, 12,50€
  • PEK : Preaching Evil Regular LP (2009), NWN, 15,00€
  • PEST : Vado Mori LP (2007), Diaphora Produktion, lim350, 11,50€
  • PEST : Tenebris Obortis LP (2009), highest quality release, their best album to date, heavy vinyl, UV spot artwork as known from the Ad se ipsum vinyl release, 14,00€
  • PHLEGEIN : Silver Veins LP (2013), Northern Heritage, one of the few very outstanding albums - traditional as fuck, recommended!, 15€
  • PROCLAMATION : Nether Tombs of Abaddon LP (2012), great NWN release, few copies in!, 16,50€
  • PROFANATICA : Profanatitas De Domonatia Gatefold LP / PictureLP (2007), sehr gutes Album, 13,90€ je Kopie und Version, US-Import
  • PROFANATICA : The Enemy of Virtue Gatefold-2LP / Do-LP (2006), hammerharte Aufmachung, hochqualitatives Gatefold, kommt mit dem kompletten Material der Band bis dahin, essentiell! Erstauflage!, US-Import, 19,50€
  • PROFUNDI : The Omega Rising LP (2008), high quality edition on Eisenwald, comes with lyrics and UV spot laquerings, nice, 12,90€
  • RAATE : Sielu, Linna LP (2007), WTC, 14,90€
  • REGARDE LES HOMMES TOMBER - Regarde les Hommes Tomber LP (2013), Sludge/Post Black Metal without silly influences, 300 copies only of the first press, sold out quick, 22,90€
  • RITUAL CHAMBER : The Pits Of Tentacled Screams 12''MLP (2015), Duplicate, 400 black copies, 14,90€
  • ROTTING CHRIST : Khronos 2-LP (2012), Floga Records, high quality re-issue, 18,00€
  • ROTTING CHRIST : Sanctus Diavolos LP (2013), Floga Records, high quality vinyl edition, comes in gatefold cover, 13,90€
  • ROTTING CHRIST : Sleep of the Angels LP (2012), Floga Records, high quality re-issue, 13,90€
  • SA MEUTE : Hyperborée Gatefold – LP (2007), lim.350, schweres Splatter-Vinyl, Gatefold-Cover, 14,50€
  • SA MEUTE : 50 contre 1 Gatefold – LP (2007), lim.350, schweres schwarzes Vinyl, Gatefold-Cover, 14,50€
  • SALIGIA : Fonix 12" LP (2015), Ván Records, 15.90€
  • SALIGIA : Sic Transit Gloria Mundi LP (2015), Ván Records, 15.90€
  • SARGEIST : Feeding the Crawling Shadows LP (2014), from the mighty WTC, comes with gatefold cover and heavy vinyl, 15,90€
  • SARGEIST : The Rebirth of a Cursed Existence 2-LP (2013), essential collection of Sargeist stuff, great quality release, 18,90€
  • SATANIC WARMASTER : Nachzehrer LP (2010), Northern Heritage, Erstauflage, 15,00€
  • SECRETS OF THE MOON : Antithesis 2-LP (2010), limitierte Auflage im Gatefold-Cover, 20,90€
  • SECRETS OF THE MOON : Seven Bells 2-LP (2012), Erst- und Zweitauflage verfügbar, schwarzes Vinyl und Covermotiv des Digis/der CD bei der Erstauflage, rotes Vinyl und Motiv der limitierten Box bei der zweiten Auflage, 20,90€
  • SEGES FINDERE & MANSON, CHARLES: The Way Of The Wolf LP (2016), Neue Ästhetik, 200 copies only, 16,90€
  • SEGES FINDERE : As Wolves We Kill LP (2014), Neue Ästhetik, 200 copies only, 16,90€
  • SEGES FINDERE : Warmastered by Deathkorps LP (2015), Neue Ästhetik, 200 copies only, 16,90€
  • SERPENTS LAIR : Circumambulating The Stillborn LP (2015), Duplicate Records, 15,90€
  • SHINING : IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends 2-LP, black or red vinyl, 20 and 22€
  • SHORES OF LADON : Eindringling LP (2014), Eternity Records, hmmm, not bad exactly, but at the same time not as strong as the Lupercal vinyl – at least in my opinion. However, worth a try, 300 copies, 12,90€
  • SHORES OF LADON : Lupercal LP (2013), Eternity Records, really great vinyl version of the MCD here with bonus track (Azaghal's Mustamaa [or Mordor, if you like]) and a playing time of 25+ minutes, great traditional Black Metal, alone the songs on side A make this an essential add to your collection, highly recommended!!! 300 copies pressed, 11,90€
  • SLAGMAUR : Von Rov Shelter LP (2009), Osmose Productions, 14,50€
  • SORTILEGIA : Arcane Death Ritual 2-LP (2014), value for money - as always! Attention: Due to our famous soccer postmen there are more or less small bumps at the corners possible, but nothing drastic at all, 21,90€
  • STILLHET : Gjemt I Skyggene LP (2006), Northern Silence, 11,90€, Qualität siehe Angantyr/Nasheim Split
  • STRIBORG : Black Desolate Winter / Depressive Hibernation Double LP/2-LP (2008), Aphelion, 16,90€
  • SÜHNOPFER : Offertoire LP, 16,90€
  • SULPHUR AEON : Gateway To The Antisphere 2-LP (2015), Ván Records, Top-notch looking vinyl edition in cardstock slipcase with silver hotfoil imprints. Has etched D-side, comes with poster and huge booklet. Value for money! 19.90€
  • SUMMUM - Benedictus Qui Venit... LP (2016), on Ancient Records' side label Mysticism Productions, 17,00€
  • SVART : Det Personliga Helvetets Spiral LP (2014), Art of Propaganda, limited to just 200 copies, 15,90€
  • SVIKT / KIRKEBRANN : Betrayal and Blasphemy Split LP (2012), B&E, 15,00€
  • TAAKE : Noregs Vaapen 2-LP (2011), limitierte Vinylauflage des Hammeralbums, Svartekunst 1st press, 24,90€
  • THE DEATHTRIP : A Foot In Each Hell – The Complete Demos LP (2013), Demonhood, 14,90€
  • THE RUINS OF BEVERAST : Blood Vaults 2-LP (2013), blue vinyl, latest output, Ván Records, 19,90€
  • THE RUINS OF BEVERAST : Foulest Semen Of A Sheltered Elite re-press gatefold 2-LP (2013), Ván Records, 18,90€
  • THUNDERBOLT : Sons of Darkness LP (2009), Art of Propaganda, haben wir als normales und farbiges Vinyl (lim100), 13,50€ kommt die normale, 15,50€ die farbige Variante
  • THY RITES : Invoker Of The Venomous Unlight LP (2015), Seges Findere-Projekt, Neue Ästhetik, 14,90€
  • TODESSTOß : Stelldichein LP (2008), Blutvergießen, 14,00€
  • TORTORUM : Extinctionist  LP (2012), WTC, quote label: „9 hymns of furious and savage Black Metal“, nothing to add here, 13,90€
  • TORTORUM : Katabasis 2-LP (2014), WTC, gatefold LP sleeve, booklet, modern and the same time orthodox sounding Black Metal, quite skilled and able to evoke proper feelings about all your surroundings,18,90€
  • TOTAL HATE : Necare Humanum Est LP (2011), Eisenwald/Eternity Records, gutes Album, 13,50€
  • TOTALSELFHATRED : Apocalypse in Your Heart LP (2011), Osmose Productions, good  continuation to the killer debut, although not comparably strong, 15€
  • TOTENBURG : Endzeit LP (2009), Nebelfee Klangwerke, strongest output of this kult entity from the German underground, limited to 400 copies, 14,90€
  • TRUPPENSTURM / THORYBOS : Approaching Conflict LP (2015), Ván Records, gatefold cover, premium quality, 15.90€
  • TOTENBURG / MENNESKERHAT : Waffenbrüder Split-LP (2010), Nebelfee Klangwerke, German Black Metal underground, 16,90€
  • TSJUDER : Kill for Satan LP/Picture LP (2005), limitierter Re-Release auf Zerstörungs-Produktionen/Drakkar, 16,90€
  • TSJUDER : Legion Helvete LP (2011), Season of Mist, schwarzes oder farbiges Vinyl erhältlich, 16,90€
  • Tusmørke vs Spectral Haze ‎– Elektriske Skrekkøgler Og Forhistoriske Framtidsfabler Gatefold LP (2015), Duplicate Records, 17,90€
  • TYPHUS : Profound Blasphemous Proclamation LP/Pic-LP (2005), sowohl in der europäischen Version (lim500) in schwarzem, schwerem Vinyl und Gatefold-Cover als auch in der auf 300 Stück limitierten Picture-LP Version incl. Autogrammen der Bandmitglieder (US-Import) zu haben. 12,90€/9,90€
  • ULVEGR : The call of glacial emptiness LP, 15,90€
  • ULVEGR : Arctogaia LP, 15,90€
  • UNCREATION'S DAWN : Death's Tyranny 2-LP / DoLP (2007), auf Northern Heritage, nur noch als Einzelstück zu bekommen, 18€
  • UNHOLY : Demo 90/11 - Procession of Black Doom 2-LP (2011), 22,90€
  • UNHOLY : Trip to Depressive Autumn LP (2011), 15,00€
  • URFAUST : Der Freiwillige Bettler LP (2010), clochard (weißes Vinyl, Riesen-Poster), 22,90€
  • URKAOS : Urkaos II MLP  (2013), Ancient Records, 22,00€
  • VALKYRJA : The Invocation... LP (2007), Northern Silence, black vinyl, 11,90€
  • VARATHRON / BLACK ALTAR / THORNSPAWN - 3 way split LP (2012), Floga Records, great tracks and bands combined, recommended stuff, gatefold cover, 13,90€
  • VARGULF : Invading the Throne of God LP (2002), NSK, lim250, 8,50€
  • VERMETH Suicide or be Killed LP (2008), Les Légions Noire, Drakkar release, comes with poster, 12,90€
  • VITAL REMAINS : Forever Underground Picture-LP (2008), Osmose Productions, 11,90€
  • VITAL REMAINS : Dawn of the Apocalypse Picture-LP (2008), Osmose Productions, 11,90€
  • VITHR : Hedensk Skikk Og Tro LP (2013), Duplicate, 14,90€
  • WEHRHAMMER : Der Befehl 2-LP (2012), Total Isolation Records, German Black Metal underground, 18,90€
  • WHITE MEDAL : Guthmers Hahl LP (2013), Aphelion Productions, limited to 400, 12,90€
  • WILL OVER MATTER / BIZARRE UPROAR Split-LP (2010), Ritual electronics and occult industrial meets offensive and harsh power electronics / noise. Limited edition 250 copies. Bestial Burst / Filth&Violence, 15€
  • WINTERBLUT : Leichenstandard LP (2011), Limited to 250, NWN, 15,00€
  • WINTERBLUT : Von den Pflichten, Schönes Zu Vernichten DLP (2011), NWN, 20,00€
  • WOLFSMOND : III LP (2010), sehr sehr gutes Material, geht rein wie nix, Blut & Eisen-Veröffentlichung, 14,50€
  • WOLOK : Servum Pecus LP (2007), Insidious Poisoning, lim. copies, really morbid stuff! 8,90€


  • ALCEST : Autre Temps EP 9,50€
  • ANATOMIA / NECROVOROUS : split 7" EP (2013), Doomentia Records, 6,50€
  • ANNIHILATION 666 / BLISS OF FLESH Split-EP, sehr gute EP von W.T.C., speziell Bliss of Flesh machen gut Rabatz, 5,50€
  • ARCKANUM : Antikosmos EP; Debemur Morti, 6€
  • AUSTERITY / BLACK TEMPLE BELOW split 7" EP, Bubonic/30 Tyrants, 6,66€
  • BAEL : Néant EP, 6,66€
  • BETHLEHEM / JOYLESS Split EP, VAN, 8,00€
  • BLODULV : same EP, Breath of Pestilence, limited copies, 5€
  • BOSQUE : Ermo Abismo 7" EP (2013), Bubonic Doom, 6,66€
  • CEREKLOTH : Pandemonium Prayers EP, Death Metal, Blood Harvest Records, 5,50€
  • DENIAL OF GOD : Incubus EP, Kneel Before the Master's Throne, 6,00€
  • DROWNING THE LIGHT / ETERNUM : United by Iron Will Split EP, 5,50€
  • ELJUDNER : Blod Og Kvad EP, großartige EP, die man haben MUSS, großartig im alten nordischen Stil gehalten, 6,50€
  • ENSHADOWED / VULTURINE : Split-EP, Enshadowed with good new stuff, 5,00€
  • ESCHATON : For the New Aeon EP, Eternity Rex, 5,50€
  • EVIL / ABIGAIL : Split EP, Genocide Aesthetics, Veröffentlichung in außerordentlicher Qualität, 8€
  • EXCRUCIATE 666 : Warblood EP, lim500, Sabbath´s Fire, 5€
  • FREITOD / WACHT Split EP, Art of Propaganda, 5,90€
  • GENOCIDE : Blasphemic Terrorism EP, Burning Churches Records, 5,50€
  • GOATWATCHERS : Part II, Sampler mit Goatbless, Goatprayer, Nocturnal Goat und Goat Horns. Lim.444, Goatwatchers United, 6€
  • GRIMNIR / MORDGRUND : Split EP, 5€
  • GRIMNIR : Austrian Black Metal Storm EP, 5€
  • HORNA : Adventus Satanae EP 6,50€
  • IGNIVOMOUS / TZUN TZU Split 7", NWN, 6,00€
  • IMPALED NAZARENE  Enlightment Process. Gold Vinyl, kommt mit Aufkleber, 7,90€
  • IMPALED NAZARENE  Sadogoat. Rotes, weißes oder klares Vinyl, kommt mit Aufkleber, 7,90€
  • IMPALED NAZARENE  Satanic Masowhore. silbernes oder klares Vinyl, kommt mit Aufkleber, 7,90€
  • IMPALED NAZARENE  Goat Perversion. Haze Red Vinyl, kommt mit Aufnäher, 7,90€
  • IMPIOUS HAVOC : The Good Shepherd EP, 5€
  • INFERNAL CURSE : Demented Visions of Darkness EP, Chalice of Blood Angel, limitiert auf 400 Scheiben, Moyhen-Artwork, 5,90€
  • INKISITOR : Inkisitor EP, EAL, 5,90€
  • IRRWISCH : Fallwind EP, Heidens Hart/Those Opposed, 5,00€
  • LERAJE : Ferro Ignique EP, Art of Propaganda, 5,90€
  • LYCANTHOPY´S SPELL : Sarrat EP, lim500, Sabbath´s Fire, 5€
  • MONTE PENUMBRA / HALF VISIBLE PRESENCE : 7''EP (2014), Duplicate, 6,90€
  • MYRKRAVERK : Nordvegen EP, feine EP aus dem Hause Blut&Eisen, 5,90€
  • NAER MATARON / VOICE OF HATE Split EP, ToD Records, lim666, 5€
  • NECROHOLOCAUST / OBEISANCE : Bringers of Black Genocide Split EP, Chalice of Blood Angel, limitiert auf 900
  • Scheiben, 5,50€
  • NIDSANG Streams of Darkness EP, killer stuff, intense swedish BM, two great tracks, Drakkar, 5,50€
  • PEK Worship & Obey EP, Chalice of Blood Angel, limitiert auf 666 Scheiben, 5,90€
  • ROTTING CHRIST : Apokathilosis 3x7" Boxset, NWN, 25,00€
  • SACRILEGIOUS RITE/ BESTIAL HOLOCAUST : Split EP (2015), Art of Propaganda, 5,90€
  • SALIGIA : Seven 7" EP (2015), Ván Records, 6.90€
  • SATANIC BUTCHERY : Split EP, Horned Records, SplitEP mit Sarin, Dom Dracul, Capitis Damnare und Necroplasma, sehr schöne Umsetzung, kommt mit A6-Booklet, welches mit Schweineblut verschönert wurde, lim.300, 7,50€
  • SECRETS OF THE MOON : Them Bones | This Inner Soil EP, 10,90€
  • THORNSPAWN: Horns to the Kult EP, Agonia Records, lim. copies, 5,50€
  • TUSMØRKE : Offerpresten 7''EP (2013), Duplicate, 7,90€
  • UNGOD / MORT : Split EP, Veröffentlichung in außerordentlicher Qualität, 8€
  • URFAUST / LUGUBRUM : Het Aalschuim Der Natie Split-EP (2015), Ván Records, 6.90€
  • VERIVALA / THE SHADOW ORDER : A Fallen World´s Conspiracy Split-EP, OAP, 5,00€
  • ZARACH BAAL THARAGH / KARBONIZED TRAITOR SplitEP, finsterster Untergrund-Stoff, lim300, 6€
  • ZBT (Zarach Baal Tharagh): Demo 31 EP, 5€


  • ANGANTYR : Endeløs/Nordens Stolte Krigere 2x10", Northern Silence, die Demos nun auf Vinyl, 13,50€
  • ARSTIDIR LIFSINS : Thaettir ur sogu nordrs 12" MLP (2014), Ván, 180g heavy black vinyl, rough cartonstock sleeve, printed heavy innersleeves, limited edition, 14,90€
  • BONE GNAWER / BONESAW : Split 12" MLP (2012), Aphelion Productions, great Death Metal, 11,90€
  • DEATHSPELL OMEGA : Drought MLP, Norma Evangelium Diaboli, sehr begrenzte Stückzahl verfügbar, 13,50€
  • DEVILRY : Stormbolt MLP, auf Breath of Pestilence, Warlike Death Metal-Brett, geht anständig nach vorn!!, 10€
  • DROWNING THE LIGHT : The Weeping Moon MLP, Obscure Abhorrence, 10€
  • GRIFT : Fyra Elegier MLP (2013), Blut & Eisen, 11€
  • HAVOHEJ : Tungkat Blood Wand 10" MLP, US import, 11,50€
  • IMPALED NAZARENE :  Manifest 2-MLP, 10“, Splatter (lim. 300), ein großartiges Werk - nicht zuletzt gegen den modernen Zeitgeist, 19,90€
  • INKISITOR/SVEST : Split MLP, EAL, 11,50€
  • INSANE VESPER / TRIUMFALL : Demise of Being Split 10" (2013), Art of Propaganda, Insane Vesper kicks ass again, 12,90€
  • KERASPHORUS : Cloven Hooves at the Holocaust Dawn 10" EP, great release and quality NWN release, 12€
  • KERASPHORUS : Necronaut 12" EP, great release and quality NWN release, 12€
  • KILTE : Absence MLP, 9,90€
  • KJELD : De Tiid Hâldt Gjin Skoft MLP, essential release from AoP and HH, silk-screened side B, 12,90€
  • MEFITIC/GOATREICH 666 Split 10''MLP, Drakkar, limitiert auf 500 Scheiben, 11,90€
  • MEFITIC/NECROVOMIT : Split 10''MLP, Drakkar, Black/Death/Thrash, limitiert auf 300 Scheiben, 12,90€
  • NASTROND / MYRKR Split 10" M-LP, 9,90€
  • NIHIL NOCTURNE : Ill Stare MLP, lim.300, das Original, Granskog Prod., 14,90€
  • ORDO INFERUS : Damnati 10” MLP (2013), Doomentia Records, unites current and ex-members of Excruciate,
  • Funebrarum, Malfeitor, Disma, Necrophobic, etc. 14,90€
  • PHLEGEIN : Ancient Battlegrounds 10", Northern Heritage, 12,50€
  • PLAGA : same MLP (2012), Societas Oculorum Arcanorum, Cover weist Schlieren auf - direkt ab Werk, (cover with surface scratches directly from pressing plant) 18,00€
  • SALIGIA : Lux Aeternae MLP (2013), red vinyl, Ván Records, 14,90€
  • SHROUD OF SATAN : Litany to the Moon MLP, lim.133, 12,90€
  • SOL AXIS : To Mark the Ages MLP, Invictus, lim., 10€
  • VI : De Praestigiis Daemonum 12" MLP (rotes Vinyl, lim.100; Musiker betätigen sich u.a. bei Aosoth und Merrimack), 12,90€
  • VINDORN : Hrana MLP, lim.133, 12,90€


  • ABYSSION : Psykkinen Taisto Tape, Schattenkult Produktionen, limited to 100 copies, nice looking and interesting sounding stuff, 5€
  • ALASTOR / TUNDRA : The Forbidden Fruit of Purity - Split Tape, Schattenkult Produktionen, limited to 100 copies, 5€
  • ANHEDONIA : Cluster I Tape, Schattenkult Produktionen, limited to 100 copies, 5€
  • BLUTSTURM : Blut gegen die Philanthropen Tape, Schattenkult Produktionen, limited to 100 copies, 5€
  • BURIAL MIST : Ashes of the Unholy Past Tape, Compilation with EP/Demosongs + exclusive Bonustracks, limited to 100 copies, 5€
  • CRUDA SORTE : Innozenz Tape, 7 Tracks, quite unusual stuff, review here, 5€
  • CULT OF OCCULT s/t Pro-Tape, limited 100, 6,66€
  • ETNOM : Perpetual Antichristian Flames Tape, Schattenkult, 5€
  • FORNICATION Sectanik Neocide Pro-Tape, limited 100, 6,66€
  • GORRCH : same Tape (recommended!), really cool stuff, check also out their new CD (released by Dancing in the Trees and Schattenkult, who were responsible for the extraordinary Azelisassath CD as well), 5€
  • GRAVSATT : same Tape, recommended a lot!, for me amongst the best tape releases of Schattenkult so far, killer
  • stuff, unbelievable this was intended to remain unreleased initially – CD and vinyl version will follow, I am quite sure, 5€
  • HEKATE : Carpathians Tape, Schattenkult, limited to 5€
  • HERMODR : Krigstid Tape, same guy that is behind Gravsatt, but a different style here, so. Atmospheric Black
  • Metal, with 3 Bonustracks. Limited to 200 Copies. 5€
  • KROWOS : Enthroning Our End Tape, Schattenkult, 5€
  • LEMBRANDO OS MORTOS : Ritual de Despedida Tape, Schattenkult, Black Metal from Brazil, limited to 100 copies, 5€
  • MHÖNOS : Aequus Noctis Ceremoniae Pro-Tape, limited 100, 6,66€
  • MIDNIGHT CALLINGS : same Tape, Schattenkult, good stuff, Schattenkult, limited to 200 copies, 5€
  • MOON : Clavicula Nox Tape, Schattenkult, limited to 300 copies, 5€
  • MORTHYLLA : same Tape, Schattenkult, really cool looking stuff, musicwise not my cup of tea, but maybe yours, Schattenkult, limited to 200 copies, 5€
  • MOTHER OF WORMS : The Grimoire of Abomination Tales Tape, not for the underaged, Schattenkult, 200 copies, 5€
  • MOURNFUL CONGREGATION : The Monad of Creation Tape, lim.200, 7,90€
  • PANZERFAUST : Desolation, Hatred and Despair Tape, band from Breslau, Schattenkult/Werewolf, 5€
  • PAYMON : Regno Occulto Tape, Schattenkult, limited to 100 copies, 5€
  • PEST : Ad se ipsum Tape, lim 100, 5,50€
  • RITUS : Von nächtlichen Gedanken Tape, 5,00€
  • SA MEUTE : 50 contre 1 Tape, pro-print, comes with CD-sized booklet, made by the master himself, lim. 100
  • hand-numbered copies, 7,50€
  • SERPENTS GIFT : Total Worship Tape, „Worshipping Death/Doom Metal from Germany! Limited to 100 Copies“, quote Schattenkult, 5€
  • SILENT DOMINION / MORBID FOG : Defending the Ancient Spirit - Split Tape, Schattenkult, limited to 100 copies, 5€
  • SOLSTHEIM : II: Of Sundered Stone and Earth Tape. Holy shit! This is quite good stuff, limited to 100 copies, 5€
  • STORMVOLD : First Storms Tape, Schattenkult, 300 copies, 5€
  • TORMENTUM : The Demos 2004 – 2013 Tape (recommended a lot!), Schattenkult, „Finland´s TORMENTUM with their
  • Compilation of all Demos. Featuring Member of DIABOLI !“ 200 copies, 5€
  • TRISKELE : IV Tape, Schattenkult, 300 copies, 5€
  • UNHOLY DEATHCUNT : Fuck You!!! Tape, Re-Release of this perverse Black/Death Metal Demo from the United Kingdom, limited to 100 Copies, Schattenkult, 5€
  • UNHOLY DESTRUCTION : Pentalogie I – Dark Castles Cry at Björnholmen Tape, if you need it rough, here is your
  • dose, Schattenkult, limited to 200 copies, 5€
  • URTICANT : Apocalyptical Invocations Tape, Schattenkult, 100 copies, 5€
  • WERIAN : Among Humans Pro-Tape, comes in luxury cardboard sleeve, limited to 100 and nearly sold out anywhere else, more impressions here: http://werian.bandcamp.com/ 8,00€
  • WINTERREICH : Wanderung durch die Ruinen der Zeit Tape, 100 copies, 5€
  • WITCHER : Nema Gyasz Tape, Schattenkult/Werewolf, 300 copies, 5€
  • WITCHTHROAT SERPENT s/t Pro-Tape, limited 100, 7,77€

CDs, Boxes, ... (non analog stuff)


  • ANOMALIE : Between the Twilight Digi-CD (2014), Art of Propaganda, some live musicians from Harakiri for the Sky amongst others, means a rough outline is clear of what to expect, limited to 500 copies, 10€
  • ARKONA : Two Decades CD (2015), Schattenkult/Dancing in the Trees, excellent live capturings from their 20 year anniversary concert, 10€
  • ARSTIDIR LIFSINS : Aldafödr ok munka drottinn Digi-2CD (2014), Ván Records, 14.90€
  • AZELISASSATH : Evil Manifestations Against Mankind CD, co-release between Dancing in the Trees and Schattenkult Produktionen, Majestic Swedish BM, killer stuff, limited edition, 10,00€
  • Darkspace III-I Splicase-CD, 12€
  • BERGRIZEN : Scherbengericht A5-Digipak (2015), Purity Through Fire, limited to 99 copies only (RE will come as regular jewel case edition then) 16,90€
  • DORNENREICH : Flammentriebe Box, kommt zusätzlich mit separater 7“ (Demotracks) und Flagge,  35,90€
  • EERIE : Into Everlasting Death CD, 9,90€
  • ESKAPI : Välkommen Till (O)Verkligheten CD (2014), Art of Propaganda, CAUTION IS STRONGLY ADVISED, not for the close-minded Black Metal enthusiast, 8€
  • FRA WAURHTS : For Celestial Glory CD (2015): Schattenkult/Dancing in the Trees, excellent, straight-forward Black/Death mixture, great booklet concept, something worth to dig in, 10€
  • GENIUS ULTOR : Nic co boskie nie jest mi obce CD, 9,90€
  • GOATMOON : Son of the Northwind CDS, zwei neue Titel, Bestial Burst, 7,00€
  • THE DEAD GOATS : Don’t go in the Tomb MCD, 7,90€
  • HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY : Aokigahara Digi-CD (2013), Art of Propaganda, Post-BM, CD version to the LP we
  • co-released, 12€
  • KRODA : Ginnungagap Digi, 12,90€
  • KURHAN : Głód CD, 9,90€
  • LATITUDE EGRESS : To Take Up the Cross CD (2014), Art of Propaganda, formerly known as “Licht erlischt”, this project now delivers (Funeral?) Doom with clear singing parts, not that bad, no, in fact quite strong approach to the mostly whiny (traditional) Doom stuff, recommended, 10€
  • LIFELOVER : Sjukdom CD Box mit diversem Kleinkram (Spritze, Rasierklinge, Postkarten [die nach Anwendung vorstehend genannter Utensilien eigentlich sowieso keine Sau mehr braucht]), 35,90€
  • LUGNASAD : Smell of a Grey Sore Digi-CD (2012), Art of Propaganda, for me personally quite a bit of a surprise, as this album has an outstanding quality (maybe listened too much vinyl only lately), however, this one is really good and I won't regret to recommend it a lot (you will get punished with „Die Antwoord“ on heavy rotation if you think this sucks), 10€
  • MACABRE OMEN : Gods Of War - Gods At War Digi-CD (2015), Ván Records, 12,90€
  • NOCTURNAL DEPRESSION / MYRD / VSPOLOKH : Longing for Death Split CD, 9,90€
  • OMEGA CENTAURI : Universum Infinitum Digifile CD (2012), Duplicate, 9,90€
  • OUTRE : Ghost Chants CD, very strong debut album - must have, 12,90€
  • SALIGIA : Fonix Digi-CD (2015), Ván Records, 12,90€
  • SALIGIA : Sic Transit Gloria Mundi Digi-CD (2015), Ván Records, 12,90€
  • SARKRISTA : The Archeronian Worship CD (2013), Misanthropic Art Productions, 10,90€
  • SELF-INFLICTED VIOLENCE : The Sanctimonious Hypocrites of Reality CD (2014), released by our friends from Art of Propaganda, mixture of different styles, not primarily Black Metal, 10€
  • SMOHALLA / OMEGA CENTAURI : Tellur / Epitome Digifile CD (2013), Duplicate, 9,90€
  • SÜHNOPFER : Offertoire CD, 10,90€
  • SULPHUR AEON : Gateway To The Antisphere CD (2015), Ván Records, digipack housed in cardstock slipcase with silver hotfoil imprints. 16,90€
  • UNHOLY : "History" booklet - includes full discography, lyrics and never before seen photos, 32 pages, kostenfrei falls Kauf aller drei Unholy/Holy Hell (2-)LPs erfolgt, sonst 3,50€
  • VANHELGA : Höst CD (2012), Art of Propaganda, recent arrival, didn't hear this one for myself but critics are not bad, so could be worth a try, 10€
  • VANHELGA : Längtan Digi-CD (2014), Art of Propaganda, very good release, band is sometimes criticised for sounding like Lifelofer a lot etc., but everyone knows that Lifelover was great, and what is wrong about continuing their approach? I don't fucking know, so what else could be a more stringent decision than to add this one to our list (besides Art of Propaganda always delivering quality?), 10€
  • VANHELGA : Sommar CD (2013), Art of Propaganda, another cool release by these Swedes, excerpt here, 10€
  • VETTER : Vetterkult Digifile CD (2012), Duplicate, 9,90€
  • VITHR : Hedensk Skikk Og Tro CD (2012), Demonhood, 9,90€
  • VRAG : Species of One CD, Schattenkult/Dancing in the Trees, well - who knows me well is familiar with my attitude towards thrashened Black, or blackened Thrash respectively. If this is your cup of tea as well then this CD is obligatory, 10€
  • VSPOLOKH / VIKHR : Amongst Mossy Stones CD (2013), Purity Through Fire, 9.90€
  • WORSHIP : Dooom Digi-CD, Endzeit Elegies, 17,00€
  • WORSHIP : Last CD Before Doomsday, Weird Truth, 15,00€
  • WULKANAZ : HaglaNaudizEisaz Digi-CD (2013), very small bump on lower edge possible, 10€
  • WULKANAZ : Paúrpura Fræovíbôkôs Digi-CD (2013), very small bump on lower edge possible, 10€
  • ZGARD / PROHOD : Ascension: Paramatman CD (2014), Purity Through Fire, 9.90€

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